Showing posts with label Promise You Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Promise You Family. Show all posts

Friday, May 26, 2017

Promise You Family LIVE 5/27/12

I had the opportunity to catch the very end of Promise You Family at Paul Henry's Art Gallery, when I was out doing my tubthumping.  I was impressed with the little I heard, and wanted to see them again when I got the chance.  Well, the chance came, I took it, and I would take it again . . .

The performance was at JJ Kelleys in Lansing.  With Promise You Family was Care and Quentin Samuel  All were great.  Here ares some photos.  Do realize that I do not control the lighting.  So what you see was perhaps the best I was going to get . . .

First up . . .

Quentin Samuel

Quentin was good. His voice was like a story teller. That is meant to be a complement. He pulls you in with his tone, the words, the heart felt image that I believe was in his head as he sang. It made me feel like I was the one singing it. A very different vibe from what I have experienced from other musicians.

Next . . .

Band Members . . .

Justin Majetich - Lead Vocal, Guitar

Josiah Majetich - Drums

Robbie Vacik - Bass

Jackson Hall - Lead Guitar

These guys were good. Watching them before they played, they appeared laid back, easy going, taking as it comes. When on stage, they turned into some giants. Your mind quickly adjusted to their increase in energy. Justin kicked on vocal, Jackson let it all out on lead guitar, and Josiah and Robbie filled the rhythm that completed this group of four guys into that one giant. What was cool was, these guys are not new to this. Or at least they did not sound new. They knew who they were, what they wanted to say, with change in tempo, volume, making every note and word important. That struck me as very cool and memorable.

Here are some photos of CARE. I apologize that I could not do better, because I really wanted to. Perhaps I will find another chance.

If you have tried shooting digital, with automatic focus and color adjustment, and no flash, you understand that the shutter does not always cooperate and "lock on" when you want it too. However, sometimes you get cool images like Jackson's guitar waving in front of the camera as I attempt to photograph Josiah, as in the next photo.

To get more of CARE, please check out their FB page at:

Promise You Family

Mallory Thomas - Vocal
Zach Blink - Vocal, Guitar, Keyboard, Drums
Jeff Brink - Bass, Electronics
David Lubarski - Vocal, Drums, Guitar, Keyboard
Aaron Osborn - Beats, Noises

As I had mentioned, I have been waiting to hear this band, and I do tell you the wait was well worth it. As what they stand for, they are correct, that they Promise You "originality, creativity, and artistic integrity." This family is made up of a lot of members, which get together to bring us real music. Music that stirs you, shows complexity at all levels, that is really simplicity at one level. I was very happy to hear them this evening.

So, here are some photos for you to enjoy . . .

Thank you  Promise You Family for having a mission that I believe more need to see, hear, and enjoy!

You can follow Promise You Family at:

Saturday, February 18, 2012


After a good day beating up on people who believe they are in a class of their own, I decided to do some tubthumping.  The first place I went to was Studio 659 in Whiting IN, for their live music and open mic night. When I arrived I saw Red Light Runner - Adrian Remierez and Dan Serapin.  I also saw artist Lauren Dunning, was hoping to see Sophia Rapata, and I did see Ed Smaron.  Michelle and David Milan arrived as well.  Everyone else, I did not know.

It was nice to have gone.  It gave me time to chill out.  They had tables and chairs out for the event.  The tables had paper draped over them, with a center piece of crayons, a candle, and a snack.  They were serving beverages too.  Lauren had a fun time melting her crayons in the candle flame and drawing on the paper.  I think the Studio put those things out just for her :)

Before the lights went down I shot a couple photos . . .

Of an interest to me was the very low lit room when the lights did go down. A photographic challenge if you will, to shoot and capture what I see without flash. Do realize that at this time in my photography, I do not use software to manipulate the images. I just set the camera and shoot. This first photo probably best represents how it looked with the lights off. The other photos are compensated for lighting at the camera when I was shooting.

The musicians were at the back of the store with just a black light shining.  The front of the store was lit by the window displays which gave a much warmer look.  A small light on the lower part of the wall was also present on each side of the room, as you can see in the first photo below.

What was interesting with the low lighting was the silhouette I was able to shoot in this next photo. The funny part being my light compensation is not showing what I saw, so this may be the first photo I will adjust and put back in the blog.

And you would have never known it was dark in the room with this next photo . . . though perhaps if you click on it to enlarge, you might think the photographer did not know how to focus or had a bit too much wine to drink. This was the same dark room as the reference photo far above, with corrections for lighting, and hand holding the camera.

This next photo may not strike you with any feeling, but for me, click on it and look at the tilted art on the wall to the right.  It looks as if the girl laying on her back is purposefully trying to tilt here head back to look at Adrian . . .

This next gentlemen has a great voice.  What was special to me was that his daughter was in the audience.  The admiration from her can be seen in the next couple of photos of her . . .

And the last photo at Studio 659.

I then drove to Paul Henry's Art Gallery in Hammond, where a Promise You Family showcase was taking place, featuring performances by:

My Mountain
Nineteen Earlies
Uncle Mucles

Unfortunately I arrived near the end.  What I did see and listened to was great.  The gallery was perfectly warm lit during the jam.  Probably between what Studio 659 had this night and what Paul Henry's has on Thursday nights.  

Please forgive me for this first photo.  This was when I first arrived.  I believe this is Mallory Rose of Heirs.  To listen to their music first coming in was a great delight . . . really cool . . .

Right after I shot the above photo, the set was done and the band changed over.  So some intermission photos next.

Philos Cult kept us in music between setups.

Inside Paul Henry's Art Gallery . . .
The last band that I did catch from beginning to end was Anchors.

David Black - Lead Guitar, Singer
CJ Morse - Bass Guitar
Austin Caldwell - Drums

I have to say these guys are good.  Mellow yet intense at the same time.  A very good sound . . .

I am hoping to stay in touch with Promise You Family so I can do more photo shoots.  Someone give me a plug into them please!

Click on this line for my copyright.

MegaBeatles at 912

MegaBeatles. That word states a lot. A mega of music, sound, fun and dance with Beatles music. From the beginning of the Beatles era to the ...

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