I find enjoyment in telling stories with my photography. That is probably why I show you a lot of photographs. Once and a while I take a photograph that speaks on its own, separate from the original story. This is what photographers strive for. However, my emotion, my feeling, runs much deeper, in so many facets that one photo does not speak the entire emotional experience.
These first couple of photographs speak to me on their own. I felt that voice when I took the photograph, and it is still there after I took the photo. I feel that voice often. It is just sometimes I convolute it with the entire experience. So, this time, and perhaps going forward, I want to show you the individual photo(s) / voice first. Let me know if they stand out as speaking to you (out of the set of the many I am posting in this blog).
Here is the story for the entire night . . . enjoy!!!
Quality. What defines Quality? My background is life. My education is from a University. My talent is understanding Quality and how it is not being met. So, what defines Quality?
Here are some short vids for you to enjoy. Sorry for shopping the first into 2 pieces. I inadvertently hit the button on the camera to stop.
So, I did not have White Castle after drinking beers tonight. My quality for tonight is bringing you all of these photos from camera to blog, with the only alteration being exposure adjustments on 2 or 3 photos (and nothing was done to the first six photos). Meaning, no post production changes. Everything was done "in camera".
These first couple of photographs speak to me on their own. I felt that voice when I took the photograph, and it is still there after I took the photo. I feel that voice often. It is just sometimes I convolute it with the entire experience. So, this time, and perhaps going forward, I want to show you the individual photo(s) / voice first. Let me know if they stand out as speaking to you (out of the set of the many I am posting in this blog).
When I ask people the question, I then give my response: "White Castles after a night of drinking beer." It sort of floors them, because most thought when asked to describe Quality think of it as "more mechanical in nature". Meaning, something made perfect, made at the right temperature, something "on time". Sort of the surface stuff I guess one can say.
When you dig deeper, Quality is defined differently for each of us, and can be differently defined within different situations. The Robots, they are Quality. Are they the best? Yes, for me. For others it can differ. The Robots, with Ed Fell, Chris Wander, Danny Mac, Pete Calacci, and Bob Sherman, are Quality within their own uniqueness. What astonishes me, making this band different, is that I see each of them strong in character, within their own definition of Quality. Most bands may have broken up by now. These guys realize their individual talent, their personal defined Quality they individually need to express. (Realize this is how I am defining their Quality.) Yet, they choose to do it within the orchestration, the other Robots. Maintaining their individual self that is so strong, yet giving to the need of each other band member.
Sound outrageous? Not really. This is what I see when I photograph The Robots. I do not see them as a band. I see them as unique individuals, as we all are. However, I see how each individual defines quality and their expression of it. This is what attracts me to this band. This is what attracts others to this band, though they may not have thought as deep as I have, nor would it be the same. You will define it different, yet will acknowledge the same general attraction to The Robots is there.
I cannot express enough how much The Track Lounge has been a part of this band. What I photograph and write comes from the vibe of this venue. I have photographed The Robots at other gigs that were not at The Track. It was not the same feelings, emotions, as I get from The Tack. This is not taking away from the band, but rather to compliment Caroline and Richard Siegel on giving us such an enjoyable environment, one that I enjoy to photograph in.
Loyal Plastic Robots
"The Robots"
The Track Lounge
318 N. Jackson St.
Crown Point, IN 46307
(219) 663-9838